There are a number of different races that consist of the Dwarvekin. Dwarvekin are not all short bearded men.

There are Gnomes which are lesser Dwarves and subservient to the Greater Dwarves. The Gnomes are as short as a Human child and extremely gaunt. Often Gnomes are found serving the Smithies running errands or as pages to the Sentinels. Gnomes subsist off of a diet of lichen and are silent in nature, Gnomes are fast and can finish any task given to them with ease and efficiency.

Next are the Duergar meanspirited and sleepless Dwarvekin often found in the wilderness or cave, They have the appearance of short Bearded old men. Often covered in warts or liver spots. Duergars like leading weary travelers to traps of hazards, picking clean a corpse of anything worth value.

Trolls, Horribly disfigured in appearance the size of a young tree often the size of 2 human men. These Greater Dwarves often dwell under bridges or in ruins, harassing travelers for their leather in order to boil it and eat.

Smithies Dwarves that specialize in crafting enchanted weapons, hard to find and often residing deep underground. These Dwarves are rare to come by. These dwarves are very stocky and both bald and beardless, they are the size of a short woman.

Sentinels These Greater dwarves are magical in nature and rarely sleep often hiring themselves out as mercenaries for caravans. When these Dwarves aren't hired they wander the wilderness in an effort to thwart any misdeeds their kin play on others. The Sentinels are often mistaken for Humans, they are the height of an average human woman. The only telling signs of a Sentinel is their bulbous nose, rosy cheeks and excessively thick white body hair.

The Dwarvekin mainly reside in the Western Continents also know as the Lands of Green with the exception of a majority of the Sentinels who are often hired by Humans to protect caravans. some Smithies have also ventured to Human cities to sell their Craft.

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